Therapie Clinic
Over 20 years of Doctor Led Treatments
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Our Injectable Treatments

Stop wrinkles in their tracks

Botox is on the frontline of anti-aging treatments. When injected in small doses into targeted areas, it blocks the signals between the nerves and the muscles, causing the muscles to relax. Known to some as ‘wrinkle relaxers’, Botox reduces the appearance of lines to produce a look that is fresh, more youthful, and most importantly, natural.

There’s a reason Botox is so beloved by celebs and beauty experts alike. It’s a win-win for your skin, and one of the most surefire ways to halt the aging process in its tracks. It’s both corrective AND preventative, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while preventing new ones from forming, all while producing natural results that last for months.

Treatment Summary

Treatment Length

From 20 mins

Duration of results

3 - 6 months

Results seen

From 2 - 3 days


Rarely reported as uncomfortable

Botox prices

Injectable treatments require an initial consultation and are carried out by a medical practitioner. You can buy multiple units for the upper face or choose a specific area for treatment. Please note, unsuitable patients won’t be treated. Botox incurs an additional charge of $100.

Combine the power of our injectables

Key treatment areas

Treatment areas

What our client's say

Frequently asked questions